
Weight & Fat Loss | Losing inches and toning

hello! i'm 25, 5'6" 125lbs. I haven't exercised in years and I am starting to get really flabby (esp. in the butt area). i really want to tone up but am afraid that i will end up looking bulky instead of losing inches and looking tone. Years ago I heard something like more sets of less reps will give tone instead of bulk but it was a long time ago and I'm not sure if I'm remembering correctly. Also, I am about 5 months pregnant so there are probably alot of limitations regarding exercise. I would really like to start getting the rest of my body(butt and thighs in particular) in shape now so that I can focus on my belly after the delivery. PLEASE HELP me!!!! thank you!!


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Myfit Moderator
Yelm Washington Personal Trainer
3/26/2008 4:41:06 PM
Hi there,

Ya from what you read a few years ago on high reps for toning still holds true today. Thats what they still teach in all the personal training courses that I have takin the past year or so.

As for bein pregnant it is still alright to have some exercise depending on how long you are pregnant. Its not my place to say yes or no but you should be able to get that answer from you doctor. My girfriend is currently pregnant and is on a resistance training routine!

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